By Marianna

How easy is to slip into not living a mindful life.

Parties. Household duties. Friends meetings. School arrangements. Carols at school. Shopping for presents. House decorations. Entertaining friends .

Usual never ending chores.

I’m far from ideal. I haven’t figured all out.

No one has.

The old saying holds: “fake it until you make i”t.

But what is the definition of make it? Would it be a fake version of making it?

Anyway – back on track:-)

We are all just humans. No one is a superhuman. And those – who is trying to persuade you that they are. Well…

Why would you like to be ideal anyway. It’s impossible to keep up.

So I’m here honestly saying that the whirlpool of life swamped me in. But Im back!

So today I’m mindful of having arms that are fully working and healthy.

My legs are walking unaided and are fully healthy.

I can speak at my will often too much, but always with good intention and a sprinkle of humour and a dash of bravado:-) )

I’m so mindful of my body today.

Im thankful for my healthy, albeit not ideal body.


Because I’m seeing the bestest of the best my friend Sandip.

He doesn’t have any of the gifts I have.

But he is the most amazing, talented, gifted, kind, smart human being.

Despite his hard to count disadvantages, he had finished university. Completed PHD.

He is working!

I salute and bow to his human spirit.

So honoured and humbled to be his friend.

We are all so blessed and some days we do very little to acknowledge our blessings…

So today I’m mindful of my body.

It’s healthy. It works.

I can do so much good.

What are your mindful days going to be like today?

Last published February 12, 2017

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