By Marianna

Are all of them still serving me? For example I used to think that it’s better not to bother my friends by calling or texting them just in case I look needy.

I’m getting rid of this belief today as I know it does not longer belong in my supermarket of values 🙂

I think our mind is like a large supermarket. Some of our beliefs have long shelf life, they don’t go out of date.

But some of them can get rotten and spoil the whole supermarket with smell, as well as affecting new and fresh thoughts or beliefs.

So check your supermarket and get rid of anything that no longer serve you.

Another believe I had that I have to accepted.

My new belief is that if I just be myself – similar minded people will understand, like and accept me.

Some never will. No matter what I be or become.

So why bother?

Of course I’m going to breathe and concentrate for 10 minutes with my eyes closed.

I’m going to entertain my bestest ever friends.

I’m going to enjoy another company of lovely bunch of ladies.

It’s so important to share your life with people that are close to your heart. Uplift. Encourage. Ground you. Keep you accountable. Laugh with you until your cheeks and stomach hurts:-)

I’m going to feel the flow of the time.


Enjoy my day, despite wet and gray weather.

Just gifted someone with the cake- and it feels sooooo good.

Gratitude in the morning is a sure thing that your day ahead is going to be good.

I’m going to learn something new today.

Eat healthy food as I’m in love with my body, like it’s the only body that I have:-)

How do you choose to be your day?

What beliefs are not longer serve you?

Last published February 10, 2017

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